Saturday, April 23, 2011

My cutie pie~

Everyday i try to be happy and make everybody laugh espeacially Aida Liyana coz she sits next to me..
Sometimes i can be very angry and cranky and bad mood la over a small matter..
Quite a few times i try to hide my sadness and hold back my tears so that others can always see me smile..
Sometimes i can be very 'gatal' hehe and this is the story...

As you see aku ni memang seorang peminat fanatik k-pop cam orang lain.. ala.. normal la tu kan? kan? tapi yang lagi syoknya artis2 korea ni memang hemsem2 and cute2! hehe sejak group Infinite perform lagu 'BTD'.. aku jadi minat gila kat..


followed by Lee Sung Yeol

and L

Mereka ni nampak smart and comey sangat2!! Hehe then, after CN Blue perform lagu 'Love' aku minat..


Tapi sayang.. lepas CN Blue perform lagu 'Intuition' yang aku betul-betul suka  rupa-rupanya..

Lee Jong Hyun

and Kang Min Hyuk (my extra sweet heart :3)

But then lepas aku tengok group Co-ed School punya mv... aku terus suka kat..

Choi Sung Min (comey~)

Kan aku dh ckp aku ni memang gatal sket.. sket je haha tu pon sebab mereka ni comey sangat hihihi ok ni je untuk hari ni.. (ni je??) ye la.. aku nk bgitau orang yang aku suka je haha 

To boayo~

Justin Bieber 3-D

Ok so.. hari ni aku keluar lepak2 ngan Aida, Syada, Nadirah Yasmin n geng2 diaorang kat VM untuk tengok JB 3-D. Aku memang buang tabiat hari ni coz aku xminat (bukan xsuka hihihi) sangat ngan JB but i really love his style!! I'm so.. jeles of his jacket and shoes!! They were amazing!! Aku ingat aku maybe suka la kat JB lepas tengok cerita dia tadi... memang betul (second sebab aku suka SUJU lagi) hahaha but tengah2 tengok cerita dia, timbul satu perasan... want to know?? jeng3.. i think when i grow up i want to be a.. SUPERSTAR!!! oh yeah!!! my life would be so much better then! but it's just only my feeling or is it?? Oh god!! I really do want to be a superstar! Please let my wish come true! Aku memang suka menari but korean style.. of course xD maybe classmates n friends aku xtau lg yg aku ni pandai menari sebenarnya hahaha (ceh! perasan!) but seriously.. i feel like dancing is my passion.. it is the only thing that i can let my mind go free after having a hard time and another.. One day i'll show the world that i can and really do love to dance.. Oit2! ckup2 la tu.. mianhe korang aku ni over dramatic sket haha n ni aku nak cerita expression kawan2 aku time tengok JB tdi.. jeng3 

Aida : Don't know how to describe but i know she starting to love JB hahaha siap jiwang2 lagi
Syada : Memang gila2 pulun minat JB siap dok nyanyi lagi smpai adek dia kena belasah kesian (aku rsa la) hahaha
Nadirah : Aku pon xtau nak cakap cmna padahal dia dok sebelah aku ja but i think she also minat JB hehe
Yang lain : not a single clue xD

Ok ni nak story kisah before kita tgk JB.. aku p la kt arcade ngan Aida n p main game tembak2... aku terkejut smpai nk pengsan coz benda yang aku kena tembak tu SPIDER!!! ehem2 pembetulan.. TARANTULA!!! let me spell it.. T-A-R-A-N-T-U-L-A!! aku dok menjerit dari start sampai habis! aku mmg fobia gila2 ngan spider.. eiiiiii!!! Geli geleman!!

Huhu k la folks that's all for today!! 
n stay keep in touch :)